'Ranaviru' in Sinhala means War Heroes. We, a group of like minded friends found Ranaviru Fund in Scotland on 03rd May 2008 with the aim of providing medical and rehabilitation aid for the disabled and wounded soldiers. In 2010 Ranaviru Fund has become a Registered Charity, registered in Scotland No SC041479.
We are a group of friends and like minded people got together from around the world to support brave service personnel who fought against terrorism and lost their lives or suffered life changing injuries. Our primary objective is to support the families of those who lost lives, service personnel who suffered life changing injuries or trauma and also the immediate families of such personnel. By providing medical, welfare, social, educational and financial assistance we are focusing the service personnel and their immediate families in Sri Lanka, where a 30 year long fight against terrorism has ended in 2009.
With your support over the past several years we were able to deliver a lot for the benefit of those who mentioned above. But that's only a bit, the vast amount of work still to be done. Without your support we cannot do it. Without us doing that, those who deserve that support won't get it.
Volunteers of the Ranaviru Fund are fully employed in their own professions and do all the charity work compromising their leisure time most of the time. Also, we do not take a penny as wages or allowance and we do not have any operational costs. No offices, no telephone bills, no travel costs, no advertising, no delivery charges, etc. Even our website is designed by us with an open source platform and hosted free of charge. We pay a small fee for the domain name, which is paid by one of, personally.
All your donations via PayPal Giving Fund are processed free of charge. It's getting better if you are a UK Taxpayer and you opt into add Gift Aid to your donation at no extra cost to you. This can be added when you donate via PayPal Giving Fund and the charity receive up to 25% extra of your donation through the Gift Aid scheme. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you will be benefitted by donating with Gift Aid added.
As a policy, we aim to provide support by means or materials, services, equipment. We take our best efforts to avoid or minimise cash donations to those who need support. Instead we put our best efforts to pay the suppliers or service providers directly to their bank account upon delivery of required products or services. Where it is absolutely necessary to pay cash to an individual as a deserving person we will pay cash to their Bank Account with traceability.