Q: Is Ranaviru Fund a Registered Charity?
A: Yes. Ranaviru Fund is a registered charity in the United Kingdom and registered in Scotland under the number SC041479. Please click here to view the OSCR directory.
Q: How does Ranaviru Fund operate?
A: Ranaviru Fund is operated entirely by volunteers, who provide their services and time free of charge.
Q: What are your operational costs?
A: We do not have operational costs because the Ranaviru Fund is entirely run by volunteers. When we do incur such costs (eg. manage the website, cost of communication etc) they will be borne by the volunteers. Our website is hosted free of charge by a well wisher and the website is fully developed by the members of our team. Stationary, travel & transport, telephone, postage and other operational costs are paid by the volunteers. Please download and read the Ranaviru Fund constitution to find out more about our operational model and policies.
Q: How do you get the requirements before donations are made?
A: We get the requirements directly from the relevant authority which we are doing the project for. For example in the case of the donation of the medical equipment we got the requirements directly from the Military Hospital, and then called for quotes/specs from several suppliers for different brands. These quotes/specs were then forwarded to the relevant authorities to get their feedback on what suits their needs best.
Q: How can I verify authenticity of your work?
A: We closely work with the authorities to identify, analyse and to provide the requirements of soldiers. Our best efforts are put to keep the authorities up to date with our involvements. We publish all invoices after paying for the goods & services and we also publish the acknowledgement received from receiving party after handing over the donations in our website under Our Projects.
For further verifications you may contact the authorities listed under "Authenticity" section.
Q: How can I contribute?
A: You can contribute through our secure payment link using credit/debit card (via CharityChoice) or you can donate to our bank account via a direct bank transfer or cheque. Please click here to make a donation easily and securely.
Q: I prefer to send a cheque. Whom shall I draw the cheque to?
A: Cheques can be drawn in favour of “Ranaviru Fund”. Please contact your nearest representative listed above to obtain the address to send the cheque.
Q: Would I get a receipt/acknowledgement for my donation?
A: We will send all donors an eReceipt (email detailing your donation) within 7 days of receiving the donation and we will update the donors list in our website with your details. At the completion of the each project we will email a complete project report to all our donors.
Q: Can I remain anonymous?
A: Yes. If you wish to remain anonymous please let us know by email, we can withhold your name and publish your initials (or the word ‘Anonymous’) when publishing your details in the website.
Q: Can Ranaviru Fund claim "Gift Aid"?
A: Yes. If you are a UK Tax payer please provide your details when you donate via ChairtyChoice. CharityChoice will claim tax back from HMRC for your eligible donations on our behalf. Please click here to find more information regarding Gift Aid.